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Here's the custom I did for So Analog's "10-DOH!" Show, which will be on display and for sale at Designer Con this Saturday.
This is looking to be a great show so if you're local or relatively close, come check it out!
Cue item acquire music!
UPDATE: The Star Wars blog did a piece on my custom: here.
So Analog's "10-DOH!" Show
@ Designer Con
Saturday, November 20th, 2010
10 am to 5 pm
Admission: $5 (free after 3 pm!)
Pasadena Convention Center
300 East Green Street
Pasadena, CA 91101
This is excellent man! :)
LOL Star Wars + 8-bit = WIN!
What the hell does CCST stand for?
It stands for Cloud City Sabacc Tournament.
Did this sell at the con? If not, how much is it?
Hi, Mike. Yes, it did sell at D-Con.
hahahaha me luvs it!
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